Billings, Montana.
Procrastination is so not a good thing when it comes to writing these blogs. I went on this trip at the beginning of summer and I've forgotten a bunch of stuff already. I seriously can't remember any of the names or anything. Man this blog is going to suck. Lesson learned. So I don’t have much to say about Montana, mostly because there really wasn’t much at Montana. This was day three of our seven day long adventure. If you haven’t already read Idaho, I highly suggest you do so you’re all caught up. My dad used to live in Montana, but when I mentioned it to my mom, she said she had no idea. Weird.

Its hard to see but that blue sign says Welcome To Montana. Diana was set on taking photos of "Welcome to (insert state)" signs but this is the only one we got. I can not for the life of me remember where this was.

It was just some place with lots of waterfalls. Then we drove and went to this place with a lot of rocks? *I just found all the pamphlets I collected and this place is called the Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone.

Somebody actually lives in this tourist place. Theres a sign that says Keep Off, Private Property. That must suck since its probably really noisy everyday. I just remembered Diana has a lot of our photos on her camera. Crap.

My uncle kept saying it looked like a penis. Uh, not really.


Man, Caitlin's Way was misleading. Remember that show? It was on Nickelodeon a decade ago. I loved that show. It was about this city girl and her mom died so she had to move to Montana with her relatives and even though she hated the place, it looked really cool. Montana looked nothing like it. In fact, it looked more like Idaho.

You might recognize those photos. I had them on my facebook. I love how it looks like we were photo shopped into it.
Look at PB in the back. She got really mad after I took this photo. "WHY ARE YOU TAKING PHOTOS BY THE BATHROOM??!?!?" As if you can even tell its by the bathroom. Sheesh. Do I look darker? If I do, I hella don't anymore since my face started peeling like crazy that day.

I love trees. Please Recycle! Haha. I had to put that in there.

I have no idea what this sign is about. Its all talking about Wisconsin. WTF.

This is quite possibly the worst blog I've ever written. Sorry guys.
41 States left to go.

Procrastination is so not a good thing when it comes to writing these blogs. I went on this trip at the beginning of summer and I've forgotten a bunch of stuff already. I seriously can't remember any of the names or anything. Man this blog is going to suck. Lesson learned. So I don’t have much to say about Montana, mostly because there really wasn’t much at Montana. This was day three of our seven day long adventure. If you haven’t already read Idaho, I highly suggest you do so you’re all caught up. My dad used to live in Montana, but when I mentioned it to my mom, she said she had no idea. Weird.

Its hard to see but that blue sign says Welcome To Montana. Diana was set on taking photos of "Welcome to (insert state)" signs but this is the only one we got. I can not for the life of me remember where this was.

It was just some place with lots of waterfalls. Then we drove and went to this place with a lot of rocks? *I just found all the pamphlets I collected and this place is called the Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone.

Somebody actually lives in this tourist place. Theres a sign that says Keep Off, Private Property. That must suck since its probably really noisy everyday. I just remembered Diana has a lot of our photos on her camera. Crap.

My uncle kept saying it looked like a penis. Uh, not really.


Man, Caitlin's Way was misleading. Remember that show? It was on Nickelodeon a decade ago. I loved that show. It was about this city girl and her mom died so she had to move to Montana with her relatives and even though she hated the place, it looked really cool. Montana looked nothing like it. In fact, it looked more like Idaho.

You might recognize those photos. I had them on my facebook. I love how it looks like we were photo shopped into it.

Look at PB in the back. She got really mad after I took this photo. "WHY ARE YOU TAKING PHOTOS BY THE BATHROOM??!?!?" As if you can even tell its by the bathroom. Sheesh. Do I look darker? If I do, I hella don't anymore since my face started peeling like crazy that day.

I love trees. Please Recycle! Haha. I had to put that in there.

I have no idea what this sign is about. Its all talking about Wisconsin. WTF.

This is quite possibly the worst blog I've ever written. Sorry guys.
41 States left to go.